In the treatment of men's diseases are different media. In many cases, the treatment of BPH, men are effective and rather avoid surgery delay or it. When there is no network tasks are rare side effects that have to be taken into account when choosing drugs.

When indicated drug treatment
Drugs for the treatment of male disease, has been appointed evidence as to or from secondary to primary care. Definitely takes into account features of the disease, the body and the condition of the patient against the use of medicines.
Drugs are prescribed for primary or additional treatment
Indications for medical treatment
- Because kidney complications
- The inability to perform the functions of the
- Recurrence of adenoma after surgical treatment.
Network tasks has been shown early stages of the disorder, when minimal disturbances are, and there are no complications that affect the kidneys. Surgical treatment is against the — advanced age of the patient, the condition of the cardiovascular system.
- Serious violations of urination.
- The amount of residual urine more than 100 ml.
- Acute urinary retention.
- Hematuria.
- Stones in the bladder.
Until recently, the main method of treatment the man had disease surgery. With the progress of medical treatment, to no avail 20% of men with this diagnosis were cut, others receive effective treatment, including medication.
Drugs for the treatment of adenoma
There are a group of drugs for the treatment of:
- alpha-blockers;
- antibacterial agents;
- inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase;
- hormones;
- herbal remedies.
If necessary, antibiotics
Antibiotic therapy is indicated in cases of secondary bacterial infection. In this case, using Gentamicin, Levorin, drugs from the group of cephalosporins. Antibiotics to suppress the inflammation and can improve urodynamics. When choosing a drug should take into account the possible against-indications to the reception.

Drugs in this group have a relaxing effect on the muscular fibers of the prostate. And Prevent muscle spasms normalizes the process of urination. Relief with alpha-adrenoblokatorami to achieve quickly. Many drugs in this group cause a significant decrease in blood pressure, so they are against-contraindicated in men who have low AD. This is not the effect of the means on the basis of tamsulosin. These are more drugs BPH carefully and can be prescribed to elderly patients, and those related to the problem you have, such as diabetes, asthma, having minimal side effects.
One of the most commonly used remedies for the treatment of diseases from the group of alpha-blockers – Omnic. Prescribed drug for the treatment of functional disorders of the urinary organs. The treatment effect is noticeable within 2 weeks after admission. The initial stage of the development of the disease patients onset was published after the first dose. The drug belongs to a highly selective, that is, acts selectively, their bodies, in which it is used for the treatment, so side effects are rare. Blood pressure Omnic will not be affected.
Omnic available in capsules. Is taken once a day, one capsule after a meal in the morning. This medicine is against-contraindicated in severe hepatic impairment increased sensitivity and components included in its composition.
Inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase
These drugs help get rid of the symptoms of the disease, to prevent disease progression, reduce the pathology of development. This level is achieved by reducing the dihydrotestosterone hormone, which causes prostate enlargement. After treatment with inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase, more than half of patients do not require surgery. When treatment with these drugs should be remembered that to achieve the effect takes time. Relief can avail symptoms occur after 3-6 months of treatment. The main advantage of such instruments is their effectiveness in larger sizes adenoma in men.
Side effects are Possible blocking of sexual education, the weakening of erection, reducing spermophobia. After receiving the drug, the negative effects disappear and sexual education for men, has been completely restored.

Hormones in the treatment of BPH
The use of hormonal drugs in the treatment of BPH due to the fact that hormones regulate the growth of the glandular tissue of the body. In some cases, the man will need to limit the prevent testosterone synthesis androgenic effect on the prostate. Member number need to add the male sex hormone. These Drugs are not for all patients, because of their key role in environmental list of side effects.
Herbal remedies
The treatment of pathology of the use of the drug because people carry their origin, which are quite effective, but has fewer side effects. He will be able to create process of urination, increase urine flow, remove the inflammation. Some drugs effectively eliminate swelling, improve urinary function, decrease libido.
Action of herbal remedies
- The suppression of growth factors in prostate cells.
- Blocking androgen receptors.
- It suppress the activity of enzymes involved in metabolism.
- The effects of tissue growth factors.
Herbal remedies now available are convenient shapes, and are often prescribed as a separate tool, if necessary a gentle effect and as part of combination therapy.
When prostate cancer is of great importance for the success of the treatment play intervention timeliness. The first signs of trouble, a man need to contact a doctor. Today men often appoint himself to the treatment after reading articles about medical products, feedback on their application. Forums and websites dedicated to mens issues, you can find many tips for the treatment of adenoma. However, it is not included, as this may unnecessarily aggravate the situation. The most effective is a complex treatment of a number of drugs. You can choose the right expert, after in vain analyzing the data obtained during the diagnostic studies.

One of the most common diseases in men is inflammation of the prostate gland. To date, preparations for the treatment of BPH, prostatitis treatment ny any time can be found in the pharmacy, but buy your own (without your doctor's advice) is not worth it. Drugs vary in effect, adenoma and is used for prostatitis well-established systems. What medications are often prescribed by doctors and how they operate, you will learn in this article.
The main groups of drugs and their mechanism of action
The first to say BPH in asia, that it can not run. If you feel pain when urinating, then go to the urology Department to conduct a survey to identify the disease, because the cause may be any other inflammation, the occurrence of kidney stones. In advanced cases, the cancer develops and the prostate, that not a mere network functions improve. Should not postpone visit to the doctor.
As for drugs, they are divided into main categories:
- Androgen is the active ingredient included in the composition of many prostatitis medicines and improve the tone of the bladder, which significantly improves the urination.
- Progesterone – what doctors call Hello androgens. This group of drugs Use will help to reduce the adenoma, puts the patient to sleep. It combines them is the recommended specific procedures prostate massage, electrophoresis, phonophoresis.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis based on herbs. Although they are not considered the most effective, however, is a powerful antiseptic action. Among the herbs in the composition, especially the sage, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, dill, parsley, nettles.
List of the best medicines, prostatitis and prostate adenoma
Options medicines, can select more suitable, however, how to cure BPH without surgery, quickly and effectively, important you go in vain to the doctor. It is important to remember that treatment consists of medication should and other treatments, to promote the early recovery of the patient. The most striking example of this are massage, occupational therapy.

Candles, prostatitis treatment may be BPH called and effective. They have a selection of physical activity has the most positive effect on the affected area. Come to the pharmacy, it's the level get lost, because the range of the suppository is so great that the drug to choose will be difficult. However, the doctors helped those who were identified among the drugs more effective, commonly prescribed:
- Ichthyol candles from prostatitis. They improve blood circulation, has antiseptic, anesthetic effects. They are often prescribed during or pills occupational therapy. Candles have a very pleasant smell, but it does not affect effect on the skin. Against Not-is not-of this medicine.
- Candles with propolis. To relieve pain during urination, anti-inflammatory effect. Big plus-the price for these candles – they budget. In addition, side effects not the drug is, so it can be used as preventive medicine.
- "Prostatilen". These candles indomethacin to reduce the swelling, inflammation, while normalizing prostate function. Suitable for the treatment of far.
- Popular candles for the treatment of prostatitis. They are used in the treatment of severe cases, prostate inflammation, is a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. However, the topics are often not allowed to use this medicine for each patient.
Like candles, medicines are divided into groups according to function. Medication should be prescribed in vain to the urologist after examination, which determines how to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy growth. Medications to Buy without prescription is unlikely to have a positive impact on a speedy recovery. What medications prostatitis often prescribed by doctors:
- Anti-inflammatory – prescribed adenoma acute and pain during urination.
- Antispasmodics – this group of tablets relieves spasms and relaxes the muscles, which greatly improves the blood circulation.
- Antibiotics – if BPH on top of the caused by infectious lesions of the prostate and found the bacteria, which is the causative agent of the disease, the name of the tablets this group. To determine what the appropriate antibiotic for prostatitis you can perform in vain the doctor test. Antibiotics to drink together for years in the rectum drugs.

All of them are effective drugs that improve regenerative processes. The injection is labeled conservative or treatment, prevention, protect the prostate gland viruses. The dosage can be in vain prescribed by a doctor, because there are side effects.
Effective herbal products
In the complex treatment of prostatitis is also often used in herbal medicine. Parts of them selectively accumulates in the tissues of the prostate, reduces symptoms of inflammation, improve immune function, protects against damage to cells from free radicals process control and benign prostatic hyperplasia tissue. Through and comprehensive a balanced composition is to eliminate the problems related to urination, impaired pain syndrome. The components of the complex background of conventional therapy to effectively affect the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, promotes urination: decrease in urination frequency and increase the urinary stream improve your health is corrective and the impact on patients with chronic prostatitis.

During the search, there are drugs for the TREATMENT of prostatitis for the treatment and you will come across folk phytotherapy resources can relieve you of this disease. The key role of the environment, that they are not drugs but dietary supplements, can be taken as a preventive measure. Some of the plant extracts positively affects the condition of education and the prostate gland, but in acute stages of the disease herbal products are not a cure.
If you often have to deal with BPH, your doctor may prescribe a preventive treatment that can reduce the risk of a new infection. Their effect has been tested by a lot of men, she left in vain to positive reviews. Medicine to cope with anti-inflammatory, prevent them, and enables the prostate gland to work as expected.
Find out the other methods how to treat BPH in men.
Prostatitis Drugs and use the BPH complex treatment, in order to reduce the symptoms and the impact of the background of dwight, the factors that trigger the violation. Patients should be aware of the dangers of self-medication Ah and a suitable drug trust in vain a qualified doctor-a urologist. During the meeting, to take into account the age, concomitant diseases, characteristics of the patient.