Many people know that pumpkin seeds should be consumed as often as possible for prostatitis. However, not everyone understands the mechanism of action of this product on the prostate gland. There are several recipes for home remedies to treat inflammation of the prostate gland. It is worth taking them into service, and then the prostatitis, if not completely withdrawn, will be less troublesome.
What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds?
Pumpkin seeds are a natural prostate protector. They contain many useful substances, including:
- zinc, which increases potency and reduces inflammation;
- selenium, which normalizes metabolic processes in prostate tissues;
- vitamin E - a natural antioxidant that protects against free radicals;
- Magnesium, which strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation.
Pumpkin seeds with prostatitis help to normalize prostate function. Pumpkin is especially useful for non-infectious prostatitis, which develops against the background of impaired trophism of the pelvic organs, the so-called obstruction.
The prostate protective effect of this plant determines the effectiveness of pumpkin in the treatment of adenoma. Has an antiandrogenic effect that prevents the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone. It is this substance that causes an increase in the size of the prostate gland and impaired reproductive function in men over 50 years.
Pumpkin seeds contain a unique biologically active substance that directly affects the prostate gland. It eliminates inflammation and protects the body from adverse effects. In addition, due to the high content of vitamins, pumpkin improves immunity and thus reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease.
Pumpkin seeds, freshly squeezed juice from the pulp or seed oil are used for treatment. There are many recipes, among which everyone can find the best for themselves.

Action for prostatitis
Pumpkin seeds from prostatitis, along with juice and oil, have a complex effect on the inflamed organ. The use of pumpkin seeds for prostatitis helps:
- reduction of the inflammatory process;
- reduction of prostate swelling;
- improving urodynamics;
- normalization of prostate juice flow;
- stimulation of immunity to fight pathogenic microorganisms.
Treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds helps to get rid of symptoms - pain when urinating, cramps in the perineum, erectile dysfunction. Pumpkin is a tool for the treatment of any form of prostatitis and is an effective way to prevent this disease.
To prevent the development of inflammation of the prostate gland and make the body less sensitive to pathogens, it is recommended to include pumpkin in the diet of every man over 35 years. It is easier to prevent any disease than to cure it, so you should start eating pumpkin as soon as possible.
Delicious medicine: Pumpkin treatment recipes
There are many ways to use pumpkin in the treatment of prostate diseases.
The easiest way is pumpkin juice for prostatitis. To prepare it, put a few slices in a juicer and squeeze the juice. Only raw pumpkin is used for cooking. It is recommended to drink half a glass of juice a day.
Pumpkin seed oil for prostatitis is recommended for salad dressings, but do not fry on it. When heated, pumpkin seed oil from prostatitis loses its beneficial properties and releases harmful substances. Remember that cholesterol in the prostate is a serious danger. In excess, this substance is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, preventing normal blood circulation, which leads to aggravation of obstruction in the pelvic organs.
It is recommended to mix pumpkin oil with lemon juice for prostatitis - so you get a tasty and healthy dressing for any vegetable salad.
If you plan to use pumpkin seeds for prostatitis, the simple recipe is to consume 30 g of raw seeds per day.

You can use recipes for the preparation of folk medicine or eat 30 g of seeds every day.
Seeds with honey
Pumpkin seeds with honey from prostatitis can be prepared according to various recipes. The simplest of these is to mix 50 g of peeled seeds with 100 g of honey, cover with a lid and keep in the refrigerator for a week. Then the drug is taken for 3 tablespoons per day. Pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis can be added to cottage cheese or oatmeal for breakfast. This medicine is not only useful, but also very tasty. Pumpkin seeds with prostatitis honey can be mixed in a blender to achieve a homogeneous consistency.
A recipe for traditional medicine will help you prepare a medicine based on pumpkin seeds with honey for prostatitis. To do this, chop 100 g of seeds in a blender or coffee grinder to obtain a dry powder. Then the powder should be diluted 1: 3 with liquid honey. As a result, the mixture is rolled into walnut-sized balls. Each ball should be wrapped in cling film and stored in the refrigerator. Such a ball should be eaten every day.
Honey treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds allows you to quickly stop inflammation and improve well-being. Such a folk remedy should be used within two months. Then you need a break of 3-4 months and treatment can be repeated.
An emulsion can be used for treatment. Preparation is very simple: add half a cup of clean water, crush the peeled seeds in a mortar. Then half a glass of liquid honey is dissolved in the resulting mixture. The drug should be taken daily on an empty stomach with a large spoon. The therapeutic course lasts 30 days.

seed powder
Another effective recipe with pumpkin seeds are powdered seeds in a blender. It should be taken on an empty stomach, immediately after bedtime, a tablespoon. Rinse the powder with plain water with a few drops of lemon juice. This drug helps to get rid of symptoms quickly, but increases the load on the stomach, so it can be taken no more than a month. Then you need a six-month break. In this case, the use of fresh pumpkin for prostatitis is allowed, or rectal suppositories for prostatitis with propolis and pumpkin oil are prescribed.
Oil application
Pumpkin oil can be used for prostatitis in three ways:
- in its purest form;
- with salads;
- rectal.
For prostatitis, it is recommended to take one teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is 15 days.
Healthy salad recipe for men: mix cucumber, Chinese cabbage, pumpkin seeds and walnuts in a salad bowl. As a dressing, use pumpkin seed oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. You can use this salad several times a week.
The healing properties of the essential oils, have long been known in ancient times. This method is used to treat adenomas. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with oil and insert it into the rectal opening overnight. The drug is used for two weeks, the tampon is inserted before bedtime and removed in the morning.

Pumpkin seed oil can be taken internally or used rectally.
Recipes with pumpkin
Many are interested in how to take pumpkin pulp, the benefits and harms for men, and how to increase the therapeutic effect. Patient reviews suggest several ways to consume pumpkin.
- Pumpkin porridge. To cook, grate the pulp, mix it with rice and cook in milk until cooked. It is recommended to fill the porridge with pumpkin seeds and honey before use.
- Prepare oatmeal, add a few slices of baked or boiled pumpkin. You can also mix the porridge with a handful of pumpkin seeds.
- Make pumpkin and honey paste, use pumpkin seeds for decoration.
- Prepare pumpkin juice, add honey to taste. It is recommended to drink half a glass every day before breakfast.
Pumpkin has a positive effect on the prostate gland, but it is common to expect an immediate effect among patients. It is important to remember that all natural remedies work slowly, so you should expect your well-being to improve a few weeks after starting treatment.
Regularity is important when using pumpkin. Recipes can be alternated or added, but it is important that pumpkin is always in the diet.
Features of therapy
After learning about the healing properties of pumpkin seeds, many people make a serious mistake - they start using them in large quantities. In between picking seeds, men often eat pumpkin, drink water and use fat. As a result, after a few days, nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea appear. The fact is that the pumpkin is a heavy food. Moderately normalizes digestion, improves intestinal motility and has a choleretic effect.
When a pumpkin is abused, its positive properties turn against the patient. Pain and indigestion appear due to the increased load on the stomach, and nausea is due to the intensive production of bile. To prevent this, it is necessary to choose a home remedy with a prescription and apply it for 2-8 weeks. The second course is held in a few months.
The prostate effect of pumpkin is maximized when using suppositories or tablets containing pulp extract. It is recommended to consult your doctor about the possibility of using such drugs. Preparations with pumpkin are widely available in pharmacies, it will not be difficult to choose the optimal one, but such drugs should be used with caution.
You should not use pumpkin with individual intolerance. An allergic reaction to the product can manifest itself with skin rashes, swelling of the mucous membranes and symptoms of SARS. If allergies occur, you should stop eating pumpkin and take antihistamines.
Limiting the use of seeds and fats should be in all patients with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder.
When choosing recipes with honey for treatment, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to bee products.
Patient reviews
It is recommended to read the patient's reviews and consult a urologist before starting pumpkin treatment. It is important to remember that pumpkin seeds can not replace traditional medical treatment.